Wednesday, August 24, 2011

right as rain

mr. basil had a great day today. 

i like living in a place where i feel happy when it rains (as opposed to SF). everything looks so parched around here that it's hard not to celebrate when the skies open up and let loose. it also helps that it doesn't keep drizzling all day. it'll rain its brains out for maybe 40 min., big fat drops that hurtle down like a million beads spilling off a table top. an hour later, all the puddles have evaporated. the smell of a coming storm is so thick, you can practically chew it- an earthy stew that makes you grow a couple of inches right there on the spot. and thunder! lightning! great during the day, but still freaks me out in the black of night when it sounds like it's striking just behind my head on my pillow.

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