Saturday, May 26, 2012

Notes From the Field: My Apartment on a Saturday Morning

11:10 AM
i'm woken up by the doorbell, most likely the mailman. i ignore it and roll over. on the floor is a pyramid of kleenex wads, heavy with snot. i've had a bad cold/flu since wednesday- i was even congested and snuffling in my dream last night where i was in bed with a married man (don't worry, no one i know in real life... do other ppl do that too? dream about strangers?) something hard and pointy is jabbing my shoulder: one of the several hardcover short story anthologies borrowed from the library scattered across my bed. some ppl sleep with ppl; i sleep with books. i ignore the books and pick up a magazine- picture book for grown ups! i love magazines: i subscribe to ESPN, Ranger Rick, Lucky, Essence, People en EspaƱol, and i just filled out a little card for the Food Network magazine- not for the recipes or cooking tips (i don't cook, i only microwave and boil water), but because the pictures are pornographically luscious (flip through a food magazine the next time you're in a check out line; i dare you to not feel aroused).

when i finally get out of bed, i eat a third of a box of generic Life cereal (they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, plus i'm eating for two: breakfast AND lunch). i check on the moody gerbera daisy i am regretting bringing home, like a one night stand gone bad. i don't own plants as a rule (except for my cactus, nigel teagarden) but this one's supposed to be a gift for a teacher who's moving to another school. i figured i could babysit it for a couple of days until i give it to her on tuesday, but by the time i got back from whole foods, it was dragging its petals in the dirt. i don't know anything about plants, but i know droopy is bad, so i stuck it in the fridge, hoping to recreate the whole foods climate. it perked up for a bit, but by the next morning, it had gone all floppy and soft again. i tried adding more water and it perked up a little, but still looks a lot scruffier than when i'd bought it. sorry, gerbera daisy. who knew you were so high maintenance?

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