Tuesday, November 1, 2011

dia de los muertos

dia de los muertos is a holiday even better than halloween b/c the kids aren't all wired up on sugar + everyone just hangs out in the cemetery all day w/lots of food (well, in mexico they do). it's like thanksgiving in a graveyard. families set up temporary "altars" to deceased relatives + decorate it w/the dead person's favorite things. then that person's spirit comes back + enjoys the stuff you put out. it's like leaving milk + cookies for santa. except santa's not real.

i like that it's a very public + accepted communal celebration of ppl you love and miss. in the U.S., grief is painfully private; most ppl don't like to hear about death. they don't know what to say + then they are uncomfortable. if you ever want to end a conversation quickly, try mentioning someone who was dear to you who's now dead. 

"so do you have any siblings?"
"i have a brother, but he's dead."
"oh." [cue crickets: cheep cheep cheep]

to celebrate, i went to the south broadway community center to check out their dia de los muertos art exhibit. skeletons galore! my next tattoo will be of a grinning dia de los muertos calavera.
some of this art is for sale, so if you desperately need to own it, i can try to connect you w/the artist.

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