Wednesday, December 21, 2011

OOJ: layaway santas

no photo can capture today's OOJ, b/c the layaway santas are anonymous. apparently some ppl are walking into kmarts and offering to pay off other ppl's layaway accounts. 

i love the idea that ppl are stepping up to help strangers. in abq, i've noticed that many families seem to think along the lines of "i don't have much, but someone else has less than me, so i'm gonna give what i can." one of my kindergartners, who lives in a 2 room trailer w/3 other ppl, told me he was giving away some of his toys to "kids who don't have any toys." i can't imagine what toys he's giving away b/c i know he doesn't have much, but he told me this in such a matter-of-fact way, as if: of course that's what you do with your toys. when i was a kid, i clearly remember being super jealous of other kids who had more toys, + i fiercely clung to my toys. even as an adult, i admit i'm still possessive of my "toys"- i don't know that i would freely give away my laptop, my car, or my kurzweil without knowing that a replacement was coming. i do happen to know that this kindergartner has more toys coming his way (his family is on a couple of "adopt-a-family" holiday lists at local nonprofits), but i am still in awe of his attitude.

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